For companies that want to sell products overseas, we will coordinate our overseas sales channels using our network. We also provide total support for opening beauty exhibitions in Guangzhou, China. We are supporting overseas expansion for companies considering expansion of sales channels in China and the United States. Please contact us first using the inquiry form so that we can assist you.


We also assist a company which wants to their products in Japan.

If you want expand your business in Japanese market, please contact us as well.



・Shanghai CIBE Beauty Exhibition May 2019

 Accompany to Shanghai and exhibit client's products


・Guangzhou CIEE/CIFF July 2019 

  Accompany to Shanghai and exhibit client's products


・Moscow Intercharm Oct 2019

   Accompany to Moscow and exhibit client's products


・Hong Kong CosmoProf Nov. 2019 

    Accompany to Hong Kong and exhibit client's products


・Market Research in Taiwan Jan. 2020

   Accompany to Taipei research market and negotiate a business deal


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〒105-0012 東京都港区芝大門2-2-1 


Tel:(03) 6403 7902


EMS Co., Ltd.

Unizo Shibadaimon 2Chome Bldg. 6F

2-2-1 Shibadaimon Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0012, Japan

Tel: +81 (3) 6403 7902